The Conversation Problem
When we look around we see action, busyness, and doing. We see all sorts of things going on around us that we question. We view things as right and wrong; often we see in black and white. We look at a nation plagued with issues – a nation crushed by debt and crime. When we turn on the television, we are smattered with the latest headlines of terrorism and hate speak. Or, we can choose to turn to the latest zombie-apocalypse mini series. If we are still unsatisfied with our choices, we can watch reality t.v. – a continual dripping of self delusion and manifested shame.
We are enamored by the latest hot topic or hollywood star that has crashed and burned into a flaming newsreel. Where has our dinner table conversation gone? When did we lose sight on what matters most in this life – the relationships we hold near and dear to our heart. What happened to families sitting at the table talking about what good they will put into this world? Does this exist today, or is it something we saw in an old time movie that has faded into a blurry memory?
The Conversation Solution
It starts with us; our choices have to shift. We must know that we can influence this world and the lives we come in contact with. Last night, I sat in a room full of people who embarked on a conversation about how to become better human beings. Not only were they interested in becoming better human beings, they were concerned with helping others reach new levels of fulfillment. It is a powerful and moving experience to see others admit that they see where they have gone wrong in the past and now know how to move in a better direction. When we experience a life improve, it shows us the human potential that our creator planted in our DNA.
How would your dinner table respond to someone saying, “tonight during dinner, we will discuss how we have displayed integrity in our lives”, would this pique interest or cause an anxiety attack? How about fidelity or respect – would they be good dinner topics at our table? These are the conversations that we must begin to explore with our closest friends and family members. There is a principle erosion that has taken place over the last decade that will lead our country and our loved ones into moral bankruptcy if we do not change what is right in front of us.
Will we discuss what we have no control over? Or, will we engage in conversation that will lead to tough questions and potentially life altering answers? The choice is ours. We need to know where our family stands on morality. We need to encourage our peers and friends to question the society and culture that our nation has slipped into. We are at a point in time where there is little to no value on character ethics. They have slipped away from our mainstream media; there is a persuasion to only discuss what is sexy and current instead of foundational and timeless. Where will your conversation lead you today?