Charles Newnam – Transcendence, Mysticism, and Leading Self: A Walk With God

    Today I took a walk with the Great Light. I’m not sure what else to call it so I’ll call it God. Before God and I set out to stroll through creation, he asked me to sit awhile. “Be still,” he said, “and soft spoken so t [...]

    Charles Newnam – Transcendence, Mysticism, and Leading Self: A Walk With God2022-03-03T16:25:56-06:00

      Ryan Hawk

      Ryan Hawk is a keynote speaker, author, advisor, and the host of an internationally known podcast, The Learning Leader Show, which Forbes called “the most dynamic podcast around” and Inc. magazine recognized as “one of [...]

      Ryan Hawk2019-09-05T17:41:57-05:00
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