Truth in leadership
Finding your path in leadership can be confusing if you are not pointed towards truth. Before we can truly lead, we must have a direction and be moving in that direction. But how do we know if we are leading in the right direction?
Truth in leadership is a concept that we should all explore. To maintain truth in leadership is to have no doubt in your direction. When you are directed towards and by truth, the path becomes clear and here is why: truth is objective, truth is timeless, and truth is sure.
Truth is objective
Truth has never been subjective or up for debate. Because of our own paradigms built on and by our experiences and beliefs, we tend to create our own versions of the truth – but that is all they are, our own versions. Truth itself has no inconsistency, iteration or version. If we can believe that truth has no subjectivity to it, then we can constantly seek truth and move in its direction. We can continually move towards truth always seeking to push away any obscurity that may be projected onto it. If we seek it, we will realize that truth is objective and is a direction that we can move in. We will find that truth in leadership is essential to knowing that we are leading correctly.
Truth is timeless
Truth is timeless and is not bound by time itself. Truth is foundational, and it never ages or expires. Truth never fails due to us not having enough time for it, and it is never too new to grasp. We as humans were designed to rely on truth and look to it as a guiding principle. Truth existed before human life began and will be around much longer than humans exist. We can think of truth as eternal and all encompassing. Time would therefore rest on it in a linear fashion. Our life’s timeline or any timeline will never reach the outer limits of truth because truth has no limits. To lead with truth, we must know that it has never been and never will be bound by time.
Truth is sure
Truth is sure, and because it encompasses our time and existence, we can always depend on truth itself. We can be sure of it as our direction for leading. Truth never fails because it is sound and unwavering. We can find rest in truth, and it will comfort us in our leadership journey. We should know that we cannot damage truth because it is not contingent on or subject to us, but we should also know that we can be damaged if we avoid truth or try to manipulate it. Because truth is sure, and because it encompasses our existence, we know that a healthy conscience will direct us toward truth. Truth is sure and was given to us as a gift of freedom. Truth is a sure boundary, and it allows us to operate within itself without doubt or condemnation. Truth is sure and it allows us to lead with confidence.
Truth brings clarity
As we lead in truth, the path towards it and our direction begins to become clearer. Our leadership journey is illuminated when we use truth as our guide. Obscurity surrounding the toughest decisions in our life begin to fall away, and our eyes become more and more focused on truth itself. Old things that have no orientation towards truth begin to fade, and even though we sometimes have trouble letting go of the familiar, our direction towards truth allows us to leave the past behind. Our leading becomes clearer to those who follow us, and our followers become more sure of our ability to lead. They see our direction and know that they can trust us, and they begin to see truth for themselves. They become attracted to the truth, and they become truth seekers. Truth will never fail us in our leadership journey.
Truth can be trusted
Sometimes while seeking truth, we can get discouraged and even feel alone, but if we continue to move in the direction of truth, we can be sure that we are moving in the only trustworthy direction. Because trust is a product of truth, we can be sure that its direction is the only one worthy of our following.