Dr. Todd Dewett shared an inspiring message on Authentic Leadership with a group of Veterans, Leaders and Entrepreneurs who gathered at Anadarko Petroleum to partake in one of VEL Institute’s Impact E&L program that aims to strengthen, encourage and inspire its attendees. Special thanks goes to our sponsors Anadarko Petroleum, Thrivent Financial and Dr. Todd Dewett.

This energetic keynote address inspired while making success at work practical and accessible.  Building on organizational science and years of practical experience, Dr. Dewett delivered insight about relationships through personal, funny, and emotionally moving stories.  Show Your Ink is a phrase that reminds us to be open and authentic.  Managing impressions professionally is understandable, but we overindulge to the point that people share an incomplete version of themselves – say hello to mediocre relationships and lackluster productivity.  Learning how to share a more authentic version of yourself is a core leadership challenge.  The result is a more believable, compelling, and interesting person worth following.  Visit Dr. Dewett online at www.drdewett.com.